Daily life can be busy and stressful. That is why it is great to have a hobby to turn to for relaxation.
It may not feel like it sometimes when you are struggling to get a layout just right, but crafting relaxes you! It takes your mind off the daily grind and helps you to be more calm.
If you craft with friends then you also have the benefits of socialising added in to the experience. You can meet new people, develop new friendships and even learn new crafting skills from one another.
Crafting can also stimulate the brain, keep you thinking and being innovative so your mind is staying alert and active.
There is also something special in letting your creativity shine through and having a freedom to use your creative side.
There is so much satisfaction that comes from completing a crafting project. And there is so much joy in giving a hand crafted item, especially a card that you have created with the recipient in mind.
So there you have just a few reasons why crafting is good for the soul, so if you were looking for an excuse to spend the day crafting rather than cleaning we are happy for you to use this one!