To recreate this great layout created by Design Team member Sue Paris you will need the products listed below:
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Uniquely Creative Products Used:
- UCP2832 Blissful Day
- UCP2837 Days Like This
- UCP2828 To the Beach
- UCP2834 On the Water
- UCP2833 Lost in the Sand
- UCP2839 Summer Vibes
- UCP2844 Coastal Ephemera
- UCP2840 Creative Cuts
- UCCS169 Cut-A-Part
- UCE2044 Rub-Ons
- Cardstock Tree Bark
- UCP1910 Essential #1 Die Tab
Other Products Used:
- Tim Holtz Oxide Ink Scorched Timber (to ink all edges)
- Adhesive
- Foam Tape
Photo Size: 4 x 6”
- Use Blissful Day for the background.
- Cut a piece of Days Like This from the top left 7” across x 10” down, foam tape. Place 1” up from the lower edge and 1” from the left edge.
- From the reverse side of To the Beach, cut in half vertically. Set aside piece with the lighthouse. From the remaining piece cut 3” off the lower edge (not used) – See image 1

- With the stripes showing, use foam tape, adhere ½” from top and 4½” from left of background.
- Cut On the Water from the top left 6” down x 10½” across. Foam tape and apply ½” in from left and 3¾” down from the top of the background – See image 2.

- With the remaining To the Beach, fussy cut the lighthouse out. Foam tape and place on the right-hand side of the layout – See image 3.

- Use Coastal Bliss Cut-a-Part sheet, and either die cut or fussy cut the brown and dark green tab. Set aside. The brown tab, foam tape and apply to the right-hand side of the layout.
- From the Creative Cuts pack, create a cluster, using foam tape, on the lower edge of the lighthouse. Using large blue flowers, a mixture of shells, seahorse, Summer Fun word and ½ of a green door. Using the Rub-Ons, cut out the bubbles. Use the small bubbles apply to beneath the cluster – See Image 4.

- Cut two pieces of Tree Bark cardstock, 4”x5½”. Place one next to the lighthouse as a photo mat – adhere photo (photo trimmed to fit). Foam tape the other piece and adhere to left of photo leaving a slight gap.
- From Lost in the Sand top left corner cut a piece slightly less than the Tree Bark cardstock, use foam tape and adhere to the cardstock. Use Summer Vibes and cut out the 3”x4” Day at the Beach, round corners, foam tape, apply green tab to the right-hand side and adhere. Apply the remaining bubbles in two places. Use the remaining large blue flower cluster from the Creative Cuts, a mix of shells, the word Good, the remaining half of the door and a blue tag to create the cluster – See image 5.