In Australia we have some of the most colourful birds in the world so here is another place to look when seeking colour inspiration for your crafting projects.
The Rainbow Lorikeet is a great example of colour. With a red beak, mauve/blue head and body, green wings as well as a touch of yellow and orange on their chest. The perfect inspiration for a bright and colourful layout or card.
The Gouldian Finch is another colourful Australian bird. Their heads can be black, red or orange and they generally have a purple chest and yellow/orange body with green and blue on their wings. These birds are again great inspiration for colourful projects.
Whilst the colours of the Kookaburra can vary, they can provide the inspiration for a more neutral colour scheme with cream body and head and brown feathers on it's wings and tail. The Blue Winged Kookaburra is a beautiful combination of a brown and blue feathers on their wings and tail, often with a brown streaked head and tan feathers on its chest and body. It is a beautiful colour palette for male cards and layouts.
And let's not forget our cute little budgie friends. Budgerigars are most commonly yellow and green with with black markings on their head, wings and tails or a gorgeous shade of blue with white on their head and face and again black markings on their head, wings and tail. Both of these colours of budgie generally have a little pop of blue on their cheeks so use them as inspiration to add a pop of colour to your projects!
Don't forget that colour inspiration is all around you so don't forget to keep an eye out wherever you go.